A thing I love to do is capture a moment folks rarely see, a frozen frame of thrill and sonic bliss exuding from a person. I photograph live music events been doing it for about 5 years and there is no greater thrill to get a culmination of action, lighting and intent captured in a frame of (digital) film. I watch and wait and try to position myself in a place to get an 'everything'*moment *(right pose, right lighting, great look on face) for people to look at my work and go "wow that's cool". Its moments like that make me very happy and knowing I got that instant near as perfect as I can , then its on to the next one, be it the next pose of the guitar player or the lighting change up or even the next band who has different things to offer the lens. Every-time I go I endeavor to do better and plus my previous work. Each time I set out with gear in bag and get kind treatment at venues to get to the pit in front of and between the crowd and stage. Whilst shooting a band I am mindful that for 3 songs I will be some degree of distraction for the audience but I never heard or seen anyone but elated to be that close to their favorite musicians. You also work in the pit with 5 - 10+ other photographers and in general are very respectful during our tasks and getting what we think is our best shots of the performers on the lighted stage changing up positions with each other as we all can't be everywhere at once.. I do allot less writing on this topic because it has all been said before and I am no different, I am lucky to get a media pass/attend and I am lucky to know the musicians if not personally at least I have a short chat before or after the show, I find it really helps. I have as little ego as I can about these things because it has all been done before by many other folks all trying the same thing "get that shot", So I dont clog up the internet with too much chatter, but in that I have left a vacuum in place of what I think on my own work. Well in short I love it and I love the people who I have been fortunate to work with from friends to pure business deals it is all truly a learning experience. I try to get good useable shots and i'm very critical of my own work on top of the shot being acceptable. I try not to repeat too much so very similar shoots don't get posted as in other field I have worked Film and Animation, less is more. I have revived this blog in an effort of contrast, like any good photo, contrast is very important and I will endeavor with future posts to give that degree of continuous tone instead of stark blacks and whites. Nice to see you and to see you all, nice. Christopher Walzak

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