Wha Choo Doo fer Music Week Bye!

Music Week a stellar event for sydney, bringing many showcase events to sydney over a few days and awarding funding for chosen up and comers. That being said I love to see so many skilled out of town musicians play here in sydney venues and in a local attic for caper radio. Having been tapped for my photography and bringing to the shoot all I could to help get the shots to the highest level of quality. The recording equipment ass stuffed into a 100+ year old attic and set rip up some Punk, Twang and some folk flavor. from Bille drae and the poor boys to town heroes to Jordan Musycian all delivered a Full bucket of chicken. Two songs were to be recorded and everyone had a near perfect set I thought in such confined spaces my fisheye could be best used, and used so close as to feel they band members breath on you, all were very cool and welcomed the new environment and thrived in it. First up as Bille drae and the Poor boys what a fun bunch of fellers, when not talking about star wars they were making mustache humor they tore apart their little 8 foot by 8 foot spot. Grabbing frames of bands in motion and these guys did not stop. Dialing up the Iso I was able to freeze the motion for nice clear photos at ISO 8000 and a high shutter like 1/200. The next band Came in set up and it was just a matter of F8 and being there all of great people doing their best whilst I did mine. The result is what you see below good fun shot as quick as we could and shot while recording was finished and the band just had fun jamming to their fave song. This is one of the best ways to meet and shoot these size bands. This close makes you feel you're not just there but almost that you are them living the rock experience playing your instrument(camera) as part of the groups performance

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